Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
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Monitoring your turf

Data-driven turf management empowers you to cultivate excellent grass growth.
Key features:
Provides insight into your turf conditions
Set alarms and plan maintenance
Multiple sensors allow for fine-meshed turf insights

data-driven turf management

LED lighting has revolutionized the stimulation of plant and grass growth. With LED lighting, factors such as intensity, light recipe, and distribution can be precisely determined and controlled capabilities that were previously very limited with HPS SON-T lighting. Especially our state-of-the-art Dynamic Light Spectrum fits these specific needs of grass growth and turf care.

Given the precise controlled options now possible over grass growth, it's imperative for field managers to have the tools to monitor and adjust growlight rigs where needed. Grass lighting is just one aspect of the extensive package. Soil fertility, temperature, and soil moisture levels must also be balanced alongside these growlight solutions.

In collaboration with our close partners, Stogger equips you with the products and knowledge for precise and localized field measurements. For instance, measuring certain moisture levels across various turf areas provide insights into local conditions, enabling maintenance strategies for optimal efficiency in turf management.

  • Mobile turf lighting dashboard 4
    Sensor values showcased on the online dashboard
  • Mobile turf grass dashboard
    Mobile turf maintenance dashboard
  • Mobile turf lighting dashboard 5
    Sensor values presented, such as ground temperature measurements on the Boosters.

Cloud based monitoring system:

Stogger Turf Care provides a Cloud-based Weather Station, connecting through mobile networks to a data central center. Through the Stogger Turf Care app, you have 24/7 updates on all turf developments. The tool will automatically alert you when a value set by the field manager is reached or exceeded and lightrigs can be adjusted and steered to your satisfaction.

For instance, if you're using a soil moisture sensor, Stogger can send an alert if the soil moisture level is at risk of becoming too high or low for optimal results. This enables the user of the app to respond promptly and act accordingly.
Grass monitoring system
What can be measured?
The Stogger Weather Station can measure the following parameters:
Soil moisture
Temperature (various heights)
Soil temperature
Wind force and direction
Relative air humidity
Solar power
UV radiation
Baromatric pressure
You can customize our Stogger Turf Care Weather Station according to your preferences. Sensors not relevant to your turf application can be excluded, and multiple sensors of each type can always be connected. Additionally, it is possible to integrate other types of sensors with the Stogger Turf Care Weather Station.

Request a turf care advice

Are you looking to ensure grass growth and recovery throughout the year, while maintaining a consistently strong and healthy turf pitch?

We can help you reach your goals through our innovative turf care systems and data driven approach. With our innovative approach, we aim to become your reliable and innovation partner in providing a diverse range of turf care and growlight solutions.

Find us online


Stogger Engineering BV
Maasbreeseweg 55a
5988 PA Helden
the Netherlands

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