Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
Home > Solutions > Lighting Solutions

Turf GROWLight solutions

Innovative Turf Care solutions for a sustainable future

Booster 60

Lighting - 60 m2

Booster 70C

Lighting - 70 m2

Booster 80

Lighting - 80 m2

Booster 240

Lighting - 240 m2

Booster 460

Lighting - 460 m2

Booster 480

Lighting - 480 m2

SON-T retrofit to LED

Replace HPS SON-T with LED

Request a turf care advice

Are you looking to ensure grass growth and recovery throughout the year, while maintaining a consistently strong and healthy turf pitch?

We can help you reach your goals through our innovative turf care systems and data driven approach. With our innovative approach, we aim to become your reliable and innovation partner in providing a diverse range of turf care and growlight solutions.

Find us online


Stogger Engineering BV
Maasbreeseweg 55a
5988 PA Helden
the Netherlands

Part of

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In close cooperation with

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