Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future

energy efficiency stogger LED vs HPS SON-T

Stogger led compared to Hps son-t

In turf lighting practice the distribution of assimilation light within the grass growlight market is one of the most discussed issues. Since lighting costs, and thus energy, do not seem to stop increasing, an efficient use of assimilation light is of considerable importance for fieldmanagers. Many suppliers still use HPS SON-T. We focus at applying MechaTronix LED growlights. Why did we made this decision?
Stogger LED
Morphologic faster rooting and stronger vegetative growth
Higher light level possible, shorter treatment
Early season light treatment start possible
Initial investment payback period < 3 years
Energy efficient. Limited main connection necessary
70% light efficiency
Energy efficiency of 3.5 µmol/J
10 years warranty, maintenance free
Excellent even light distribution for homogenic growth
State-of-the-art technology; changeable led engines
Dynamic lighting: soft start/stop, like the sun
Turf morphology not steerable by spectrum
Higher light level not possible, because of tipburn
Limited initial investment
Requires industrial main connection & feed lines
35% light efficiency
Energy efficiency of 2.1 µmol/J
Replace lamps every 3 years, maintenance required
Less effective optics; more uneven light distribution
End of life technology
Static lighting: on/off
Creates a lot of heat: high inefficiency and risk of tipburn

10 year LED warranty

We designed our Booster growlight solutions with more than just another plain and simpel LED solution. Instead we use the MechaTronix Coolstack®, with a market leading efficiency up to 3.6µmol/J, as it is a state-of-the-art growlight platform with an unprecedented level of technology and vision in it. For example, we equip our Booster's with the first sustainable LED grow light on the market. With a 10 year warranty and LED life time of 75.000 lighting hours this stand equivalent to 20 years of use at a yearly rate of 3.600 hours of deployment. Of course in that time the technology and efficiency of LED grow lights will drastically change and improve, and your energy cost is one of the major aspects.
Booster 70C picture bottom
Therefore, the CoolStack® is designed in such a way that the LED growlight engines can be replaced and updated over time.
Did you know that the LED engines only count for 35% of the total cost of a growlight, and that the expectations are that this percentage will further decline over time when the LEDs become cheaper?
So why would you throw away 100% of a LED fixture after your warranty period when you want to upgrade to the next level of market efficiency in growlights while you could do that with just a small re-investment?
This is how we contribute, not only in your current investment, but also securing your sustainable and eco-friendly future.
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Why not use HPS SON-T?

While the efficiency and technology of HPS SON-T grow lights has stabilized over years, the efficiency of LED growlights moves up every year. Just a few years ago we could still discuss if LED growlights would offer a major advantage over the well-known and proven, but very limited lifetime technology of HPS SON-T lamps.

Today it is clear that the future of turf assimilation lighting has completely turned in the direction of LED technology. The most important cost driver of any grass grow solution is energy efficiency. Due to it's proven track-record, the only way to go is a LED powered solution. The cost savings make sure that within 2 years a LED system is cheaper than HPS SON-T. 
In turf lighting practice the distribution of assimilation light within the grass growlight market is one of the most discussed issues. Since lighting costs, and thus energy, do not seem to stop increasing, an efficient use of assimilation light is of considerable importance for fieldmanagers. Many suppliers still use HPS SON-T. We focus at applying MechaTronix LED grow lights. Why did we made this decision?
Mechatronix CoolStackLearn more about retrofitting to LED

Request a turf care advice

Are you looking to ensure grass growth and recovery throughout the year, while maintaining a consistently strong and healthy turf pitch?

We can help you reach your goals through our innovative turf care systems and data driven approach. With our innovative approach, we aim to become your reliable and innovation partner in providing a diverse range of turf care and growlight solutions.

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Stogger Engineering BV
Maasbreeseweg 55a
5988 PA Helden
the Netherlands

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